Dad’s Top Drawer
I remember when I was a kid what an awesome adventure it was to sneak into my Dad’s top drawer whenever the opportunity presented itself. When I opened the drawer I might as well have been a pirate and discovered all the gold on a deserted island. Thats how awesome it felt.
In this drawer was all the earths treasures. There was a couple of old silver dollars, some old military ID cards, tattered black and white picture of mom when she was young, old pennies with wheatback.
Back then 12 cents would get you a bottle of Pepsi and a hostess cupcake. Yes I did.
So now I have my own treasure box in my bedroom. My top drawer has become a treasure box all to its own. Below is a list of the treasures I have in my top drawer.
Silver Parachutist Badge, 2 large marble squares, miniature die-cast motorcycle, old military I.D. card, “no escort required” badge, 1 silver dollar, solid gold cross, a deck of “Iraq’s Most Wanted” cards, Vietcong “death” card, loose change, old keys that for some reason I cant throw away, The bible on CD (which is junk but I cant throw away as it feels like a sin), silver cuff links, a gold watch, and a silver watch.
If I should ever have another child, I dont think I would make my top drawer off limits, but share and delight together on the neat things in there. Maybe make the kids own “Dads Top Drawer”