A Special Purpose
While vacationing in Florida, every morning my wife and I like to walk the board walk end to end for exercise. I have begun to notice something, I think.
My mind has gone to a place whereas, as I’m walking, with my cross out, and on my chest, occasionally different people will see and lock their eyes on my cross. I sense some are comforted by it. I also sense some are not. Some of the others don’t even notice it. I can’t help but get this feeling that my cross is a reminder to some about themselves and how they are living.

Younger teenager’s male and female focus on my cross, but they look suddenly less than happy, or feeling some kind of uncomfortableness. I have imagined that perhaps they are the one’s that know Christ to an extend that they are on the hook and have entered the sanctification stage in their relationship whereas their accountability for the lifestyle is more intense than others.
I feel like to some my cross is causing other to have a voice, “Hey, I’m on vacation, don’t think about right and wrong, lets just have more fun”
Perhaps my thoughts are skewed in relation to my own life and what I need to do, and I’m projecting. Either way, there is a human vibe I’m getting I never saw or felt before. Something is up. Something is different.
A special purpose