
Archive for April, 2010

Same Situations, Different Choices

April 4th, 2010
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figure2As we get older, old man mortality sets in and change happens. Now that I have been on this Earth longer than I have time remaining, you begin to see changes within ourselves. Life part II if you will. Or maybe 50 +1 should be my new age. It’s kind of like now that the first part of my life has been lived, and I’ve (we) have stumbled through and made choices some good, some bad, and all with consequences, we grow.

What’s stopping us from pausing, taking that first half of life and packaging it in such a way to benefit us on the second half of our journey? Nothing is stopping us. It’s kind of exciting. Now in review I have the ability to make different decisions for the better now that I have something to compare situations with. I have a database of sorts to use as a “go-by” for the present and future. It’s not that complicated really. Allot of the things that we run into day to day can be repetitive and chances are you were in the same situation before but now have the luxury of saying, “Oh, I know how to handle this for the best based on experience.

My 50 +1 is very exciting for me. This May I will be traveling to Florida to meet 3 siblings I never met before. I will also be visiting my Biological Fathers grave with these siblings. Bridging a gap finally that I have carried around with me since I can remember. This revelation will allow me to put the past behind me where it belongs and move forward in life with conviction.

Like the saying goes, don’t let your past determine your future, but never forget your experiences, lest you make the same “choices” over and over again.

Notice I used the word choices over mistakes. I believe that we never really make mistakes. We don’t wake up in the morning and say, “I think today I will make some really bad mistakes and mess my life up”. No… actually, we made “choices” not “mistakes” that were not so good, but at the time may have been the best knew how. So allow yourself that lateral freedom. This will make it easier for you to be accepting.

Speaking of accepting, during my journey on my life part II, I look forward to being accepting where I would have rejected, confident where I would have been unsure, kind where I would have been critical, contributing where I would have been selfish.

Today is Easter Sunday, the buds on the trees are sprouting, the smell of spring is everywhere. What a great day it is, what a great life it is. Today I am surrounded by wonderful people. People I know personally and people I know professionally.

Why are these great and awesome people are showing up in my life?

It’s not that I moved, or have a different job. People are the same wherever you go. It’s who YOU are on the inside that effects how people show up in your lives.

When you relate to yourself with respect and understanding and acceptance, it immediately translates to how you communicate with others. This translation is immediate returned with the reward as people will treat you with love and kindness if you that’s what your putting out. So simple.

You will even find that persons you may have not gotten along with are now a good friend. Have they changed? Maybe. Have you changed? Definitely.

It takes love to receive love.

Happy Easter.

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